...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Sunday, January 6, 2008

2008: Bring it on!

So...Monday...the holiday is officially over. And back to reality I go. Monday is the day my friends are back in school/work, the day I have to seriously suck it up and get my own job, and
the day I will find time to complete an application for my masters (mark my words I will!).

I was reading some New Year posts from other people, and came across ClosetNS's Mattlist for 2007. I just want to say props to him for all that!!! You are an inspiration to us all. I even thought about doing such a list, but I think I'll leave that for a year from now. Instead, I think I'll post some goals for the near future:

1. Get a cool job in Toronto (or one that pays the bills) before I go back to school.
2. Get accepted into my masters.
3. Come out to someone (someone is a reasonable number I think).
4. Work on my blog more often and try to meet new people in similar situations.
5. Snowboard lots
6. Run a 1/2 marathon

I will stop there as I tend to be over-ambitious when I'm setting goals for myself, and then sometimes disappointed with the results.

So - here's a brief synopsis of my New Years:

You know how you always try to make the next New Years something really special, instead of a big let down? Well, this year I semi-achieved that! We did some shopping, grabbed coffee, ate at restaurants a lot, drank, and just hung out. I went with some of my best friends and we pretty much just relaxed and escaped reality for a few days. On New Year's Eve we went out to an Irish pub. I'm glad we did, but it wasn't anything special. The bartender was super rude and the drinks were over-priced. Then the clock struck midnight, everyone around me locked tongues, and an hour later we left. I think my favourite part of the night was the after-the-bar breakfast. It wasn't the best night ever, but we were away from the reality that is life...and sometimes that's all you need.:)

I have been in much better spirits since New Years and I'm going to try to keep this positivity going in my life as long as I can. My future is uncertain, but here's to trying to make the best of it.

Happy New Year everyone.:)

1 comment:

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Happy New Year mate.

Not sure how I ended up here but I wish you luck with your resolutions.