...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Friday, January 4, 2008

My first gay encounter...

So I was reading Steve's blog and came across his Four-score and 365 days ago post, where he describes his first gay encounter. This got me thinking about mine...it was very recently actually, and I used to think about it a lot, but as of late I guess my mind has been pre-occupied.

It was summer 2007 and I was working at my university. Through a friend, I was introduced to a boy (I will call him French boy) who was staying in town and studying on a summer exchange. He came over to my family's place along with some other friends and we drank for a bit, then ventured out to a club to celebrate my other friend's birthday. Some friends were dancing and some of us were sitting in a booth drinking our beers. I was sitting at the outside of the booth and French boy was sitting super close to me even though there was lots of space.

Now...I guess I should back up to when I met him in my driveway. He got out of the car and I couldn't really get a good look at him, but he seemed really cute. He had long-ish hair and a ball cap covering his head. He was also super skinny and was dressed very European. I pretty much knew right away that he was gay by the way he looked (I'm not sure what exactly it was) or maybe it was the way he acted or spoke...again, it's hard to say, but I just knew. To this day, my suspicions have not been affirmed, but I keep in touch on msn and hopefully will meet up with him some day. He has now gone home but will return next September to do his master's here.

Ok, so here we were in the same booth. He was pretty drunk (tiny people get drunk reeeeal fast) and so was I. Everyone there was pretty drunk actually. I think it was me who made the first move but we started rubbing our legs together under the table....just sitting close, talking, and flirting under the table. To those of you who are thinking this story is going to turn into one of those 'he invited me back to his place...etc...blah blah....etc....you're going to be disappointed. That is pretty much all that happened. I know it isn't overly exciting, but it was exciting for me to actually me flirting with a guy (in front of my friends!!!!) Now I'm pretty certain French Boy isn't out and neither am I, so hopefully one day he will tell me to make this easier. I spent the rest of the summer trying to run into him on campus, and we went out a few more times with friends. I guess I realized I wasn't overly attracted to him, but I definitely want to stay friends and I guess you never know what can happen.

And that is that, my first and only gay encounter. Yay me, I kind of feel special now. Does anyone else have similar experiences? I would love to hear them. Add me to google chat (fromthoughtstowords@gmail.com) or make a comment pleeeeeease:).

A New Year's post will be coming soon, but I wanted to get this written.:)

Cheers...off to work on some school application stuff,



Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Well I gotta say I love the whole innocence of that post.

Crickey I don't recall my first gay experience.. but I do remember touching this guy I fancied back at high school, rather more often than was necessary. Thats kinda gay I guess.

Anonymous said...

I had my first unexpected gay encounter. I was drinking and at a friends house. (I do not ever drink). We were dancing and he got close to me. I felt a rush of emotion, it felt so good to be close to him. I am 28 and never felt this way before. We touched and danced. He started kissing me. I asked, kind of cautious, "Is this ok?" He said yes and what seemed like a few minutes turned into hours. I listened to him breath heavy. It felt so good just to be in his arms. I never expected this and can't get it out of my mind. It's been 4 days since our encounter.

Anonymous said...

Cool story you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this topic.
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Anonymous said...

I am very happily married with 5 children. I have just found out that a friend of one of my girls (who is a male) is gay. I don't really care that he is gay. I still think of him the same way and still "love him" as my own.
He is "in a relationship" with a younger male that he is in the chess club with.
My question is how does this happen? Sam stays with you one night and yall sleep in the same bed together, then what? I am not judging. Just curious?

German Village said...

This is a really good review. That is some inspirational stuff. Keep posting such an amazing information here....

Anonymous said...

770 540 9118.
Someone call me, I am ready for my first gay encounter