...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cue Ellen: "Holla"

First of all...does anyone watch Ellen? I think she is hilarious and her talkshow may even be my favourite (Canadian spelling;)). So in lieu of her, I want to say 'holla at ya' to a couple people out there:

I've been chatting with 'Coming to Terms with "It"'. He's a really nice guy to chat with and has a fun blog too! Check out the link!

Also, I just want to give a shout out to ClosetNS and say thanks for the shout out - probably a more graceful way of saying that. I also love hearing about success stories with becoming more active and leading a healthy lifestyle, so if you haven't already, read his 'The Pants Kinda Fit' post. Also, it's comforting to know Canadians are gay too :) (j/k). It just seems like there are way more American bloggers, which is cool, but we're a pretty big freakin' country as well. Maybe I just haven't found them yet.

Finally, I like the idea of the blogger meet up in Chicago, but it's way too early for me to be doing that kind of thing. Maybe in a year from now - definitely a neat idea. I also want to spark a topic of conversation here - do you think meeting up will make things a little too personal and maybe people won't feel that they can post some things on their blog anymore? It might be like taking away some anonymity. On the other hand, you get to meet awesome people and maybe making things less anonymous is a good idea! Just curious what people think?


K said...

I actually don't think that it will make things too personal at all. Most of us know each other irl already and keep in touch outside of the blogosphere...

But I can definitely see how it could be a potential problem for some. I suppose everyone will decide their
own comfort level with the situation and then take it from there.

I know for a fact that if everything does come together, it will be a super causal and amazingly fun time with some crazy cool guys!

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

I agree with K.. I don't think that it will make things too personal either. I've never let people knowing of my blog affect what I write or made me censor it either.

Though I agree it could be a problem for some.

At the end of the day, when the time comes, go if you want to, don't if you don't want to.