...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My chill day

Hey everyone!

This is going to be a quick post as I'm getting ready to go for drinks and wings with my close friends. I'm in better spirits today for some reason, even though it is f'in COLD where I live. It's -20 Celsius with the windchill! I started my day with a Starbucks - extra hot, Skinny Cinnamon Dolce. The extra hot refers to both the drink and the boy serving me...mmmmm. Seriously, Starbucks seems to perfectly combine my loves of caffeinated beverages and hot boys.

As for the rest of my day, I watched 4 episodes of Brothers and Sisters. My friend recently suggested it and so I downloaded the first season last night. It is actually really good. It's very drama filled, but what I like about it is that it portrays a dysfunctional family that is still very close. To give you an idea of the storyline, it's about a family's troubles after their dad dies and leaves them with a lot of headaches to clean up. One of the son's is a lawyer who happens to be gay and his storyline is really interesting. Anyway, so far ... so good!

I'll leave you with the song: "Easier to Lie" by Aqualung. It was playing at the end of the third episode of Brothers and Sisters and I thought it spoke a lot of truth about hardships in a person's life.


Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Rock on Starbucks then innit ;o)

I started watching Brothers & Sisters.. but missed the 6th/7th part and am now waiting for it to release on DVD. It is really good.. plus I am a die-hard fan of Calista Flockhart.


Alex said...

Really great song. And really enjoy Brothers and Sisters, even though it can be overwhelming for me sometimes. I powered through most of the first season in about 10 hours- thanks to Netflix.

Many more caffeinated drinks to you!