...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My second blog

So I haven't been totally honest with all of you about my blogging virginity. I actually popped my blog cherry last summer, not December. However, it's not an online blog, or even a written journal somewhere. It's all in my head. Yup, it's a mental blog.

I discovered an amazing method for clearing my head and working through my complexities as a human being. I am talking about running! I try to run between 6km and 12km, at least 4-5 times a week. I am slowly working up to longer distances which will help with a certain new years resolution. The weather has been unusually warm the last couple days which has been good for training!

So I have several reasons for running, including keepin' the ol' ticker and lungs in shape and generally becoming fitter. I realized today, however, that there is another reason why I run: STRESS RELIEF!!! Yesterday, I seemed to have all the confidence in the world for some reason. I started to think that maybe this blog should be given some credit. I thought maybe I was doing something right. Then today I found out I may not be getting a cool job I wanted and that I may not be moving out of the fam's house...**pause**: I was hoping to move out of my house and be on my own where I thought I could figure out how to actually come to terms with myself. I feel like coming out while I'm living at home and where I can't escape might be a little traumatic**unpause* *, got in a fight with my sister, and am super tired which always makes me cranky. I am wondering where all my confidence went to that I had yesterday!??!?

Anyway, this is my post-venting vent. I vented to myself as I ran a quick 6km today. Whenever I'm upset I use this second blog of mine to think about things. I was able to calm down and decrease the pulse of my anxious heart. I also realized that the fight with sis might be an over-reaction - I will have to call her later and sort things out.

In the end, running is a way that I can kind of sit outside my body and analyze what has been going on. I suggest trying it at least once or twice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out in your last post! And I agree with you on the running thing, it always gives me a little boost. The weather has been great - I went for a run yesterday too.