...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Is no news, good news?

Well I guess it's about bloody time I write something...

I don't know why I'm so unmotivated to post, and I certainly don't want to give this up yet. However, every time I attempt to write something the wheels stop turning. I don't have much of interest to report from the past month or so. It's nice to see that warmer temperatures are on their way, but I'm upset that snowboarding is over. I didn' get out nearly as often as I had hoped...damn, a failed new years resolution...perfect. Speaking of 'out', there's not much to report there either. I can certainly say that no news is not good news in this case. I'm more at peace with myself about always wanting to jump another guy's body, but I haven't made any steps to telling anyone. I am moving to Toronto soon so once I'm out of the fam's house I think it will become easier. Hey - does that count as news?

Well, okay, maybe I do have news. I recently saw French boy who I talked about earlier as being my first gay "encounter." It was good to see him and we got to hang out quite a bit, but I realized we are polar opposites and that I'm not really attracted to him. I'm 99% sure he's closeted so if he ever comes out and WHEN I do, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about.

Finally, CONGRATS (sorry...this is belated) to G over at Gay In San Diego for his recent success in coming out even further! I wish I was as brave as you!!


S said...

You're coming up here?

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Ohhh nice.. moving to the City now.

And yes.. certainly.. no news is good news. As long as you do make an effort in Toronno (that is how you guys pronounce it out there right?)