...about a 24 year old guy who's almost ready to accept himself...or so he thinks

Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm new...help me!

So as I said earlier I'm a newbie to the whole blogging world so any comments/suggestions on how to make my blog better would greatly be appreciated. Also, how does one generate readers? I'm slowly building a list of blogs I like reading and will try to read and comment as much as I can. Are there any guys out there just starting up their own blog? It would be great to know someone in a similar situation.

Anyway, the past few days have been busy busy. First, I've wrapped all my presents and carefully placed them under the tree...I'm just hoping the cat leaves them alone. I'm all ready for Christmas except for a liquor store run in the morning to acquire much needed Holiday Bailey's and red wine. Today I met up with some friends back in town for the holidays. We had lunch and hung out for a couple hours. I have a great friend who I've known for years and I hang out with him and his boyfriend at least once a month. It's great to see them so happy and even though they don't know it, they are inspiring me. I'm 99% sure they know I'm gay. Once I made a comment to them about guys thinking we were cute and they looked at each other and smiled. I want so bad to tell my friend, but I feel like I need to tell my family first. At least my sister. She has even asked me if I was gay (about a month ago) and said "if so, it would be ok". This is the second time she has asked me this. Both times I kind of got awkward and annoyed and told her I wasn't. When she asks why I don't date, I just tell her I haven't found anyone I like. Although, I don't quite know what has been said I know that both my sisters have talked about my potential gayness behind my back. I really really really want to tell the twin. Any suggestions on what to do?

Tonight, I went and saw a really funny, up beat musical with the older sister. The only disappointing part (and maybe it was because we had great seats and could see this...) was that the guys weren't that good looking - I mean, if you're going to be in a musical with many shirtless scenes (and that there definitely were), work on those love handles!!!! I think Ryan Phillipe and Jonathon Rhys Meyers should be in a musical together (and make out:)).

Annnyyyway, I doubt I will get to posting before Boxing Day so if there is anyone out there reading this I wish you an amazing holiday!


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